September 26, 2009

Dear Bloggy World,

Alright, let’s just get this out in the open. You know you’ve been thinking it.


There I said it.

Do I have a good excuse? I do! Several, in fact.
  1. Work. I’m a working mother. I go to the office 25-30 hours a week. I enjoy going to the office, but trying to take care of everything that needs to be done in the week without those hours at home is difficult. Very, very difficult. Not to mention, when I’ve been sitting in front of a computer all day, it’s the last thing I want to do at home.

  2. My camera. It’s slow. And I have two wiggly little kids. By the time the camera actually snaps the dang picture, I’m left with an image of the back of their cute little heads as they’re running away from me (well, crawling in Gage’s case). Or, I get a picture of Haylee trying to snatch the camera out of my hands. And really, what good is a picture-less blog entry? I find them to be very disappointing. (Mike, if you’re reading this….HUGE hint about what I want for Christmas!!)

  3. Time. It’s been a crazy busy summer. We sold our townhouse in May and begrudgingly moved into an apartment with our fingers crossed that the short sell we had put an offer on would actually happen. And….IT DID!!! It only took FOUR MONTHS from the time we put an offer on the house until we actually closed the deal. On July 31st (my birthday!!) we moved into our dream home. It’s absolutely beautiful and we’re so lucky to be here. But two moves in two months is enough to make a woman crazy. Life is settling into place. Life is good.

  4. Envy and Inadequacy (is that even a word?). I’m a huge fan of the bloggy world. I religiously follow many, many blogs. Most of those blogs are written by moms just like me. I envy their creativity, vocabulary, and profound messages. They keep me laughing and crying. They motivate me. And then I sit down at my computer and have nothing more to write about than snotty noses and potty training.

So, there you have it. I considered giving up on blogging all together, but I have hopes of someday having a lengthy, fun, detailed blog for my kids to read when they’re old enough to appreciate it. And that will keep me going. And as long as you don’t mind rushed, picture-less posts about our simple lives, then please keep reading. All three of you.

A couple of samples of my awesome photography skills: