February 7, 2009

Where did all of his hair go?

Notice anything different about these two pictures? Yes, it is the same baby boy. He used to have sooooo much hair. I loved it. But it is almost all gone now. I'm so sad! It was dark and soft and beautiful. Don't get me wrong, he's still super cute but I miss his gorgeous head of hair. You know what more than makes up for it? His whole-body smiles. You know when you walk in a room and a baby is so happy to see you that not only do they get a huge smile on thier face, but their whole body shows their glee. His arms start flying around and he kicks as hard as he can. I love it. I love him!

1 comment:

Janae -- Thoughts in Vinyl said...

His new head of hair is very similar to Paisley's...just a strip down the center. She has a bunch in the back, but not so much on the sides of her mo-hawk. He is so stinkin cute.