February 8, 2010

Mess after mess after mess.....

If you're a Mom, you know exactly what I'm talking about. While I'm cleaning up one mess, the little devils are making another one. And I only have TWO kids, how do you Moms with more kids keep up?? Gage is predictable, he likes to empty my kitchen cabinets. Haylee is a little more creative. She is an artist and the world is her canvas. I really have to keep an eye on her. Here's a picture of their most recent mess.

They got into my hot chocolate mix. Oh, what a mess. It cracks me up how pleased Gage is with himself. Haylee knows better, she has that guilty "I know I'm in for it" look on her face. They went right to the bath tub, which turned into a giant tub of hot chocolate. Some day I'll look back and laugh, right???


Elizabeth said...

I stumbled upon your blog from.... well now I can't remember how exactly but linked from Janae's blog :) and your hot chocolate predicament reminded me of ours last summer...

Janae -- Thoughts in Vinyl said...

That is so funny. I was just thinking today that I was glad that I have a blog, so when things like that do happen, I have to stop in the heat of the moment and take a picture. I think it helps me calm down and remember how old they are.

Unknown said...

So dang cute! I've been thinkin' about you for a long time. How are things? Your little kids are growing. Holy cow. It's good to get back in touch with you.

Emily Mecham said...

They're so freakin' cute! Our playdate today was so much fun - we need to do it more often!

Robin said...

I can't believe I haven't seen this post until just now! Kids are awesome--by that I mean devilish. Once Matthew and the boy I babysit emptied a jumbo Sam's Club size tub of hot chocolate mix on the kitchen floor while I was in the shower. And them they used the refrigerator water dispenser to "make hot chocolate." The entire kitchen was a watery chocolate flood. They were so excited until I came out and then came unglued. I put them in bed until the whole mess was cleaned up, about an hour or so.