October 16, 2011

Herbert Girl's Big Weekend

Haylee lost her first tooth today. Unless you count the molar her dentist pulled last fall, which I don't. It's been loose for weeks and we've been wiggling it every day. It was so close to coming out last night. I asked her if she wanted me to pull it, but she said not yet. But when she woke up this morning, it was gone. We search her room and finally found it. It's now safely under her pillow waiting for the Tooth Fairy tonight. She's so stickin' cute with her missing tooth smile. I love it!
 I ran my first half marathon yesterday. It was hard, but I'm glad it did it. Mike and the kids where at the finish line cheering me on. I had no idea I would get so emotional but when I saw how excited Haylee was when she saw me, I teared up a little bit. Sure do love that girl.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

I can't believe you ran a half!! Props to you girl!! That's insanely awesome! Congrats on that!