May 23, 2010

Why it takes 45 minuets to vaccuum one room!

Hey Mom! Are you going to vaccuum?

Do you need some help? I'm really good at it!

Don't worry, I won't miss a spot. Go ahead and take it easy. I'll take it from here.

I've missed you vaccuum. Come here. I want to give you a hug.

It tickles my tummy.

This is hard work, I think I need to sit down for a little bit.

Hey, I've got an idea.....I'm going to sit here and not move until you push me around on this thing. I can wait aaaaallllll day, beleive me! But I'm cute, right? How can you say no to this face?


Janae -- Thoughts in Vinyl said...

He is so cute. That made me laugh out loud. I am certain he was thinking those exact words too.

Karryn and Roger said...

so cute.... thank you for posting.

Robin said...

Gotta love all the "help" those kids give us! You are so patient. I probably would have just picked him up and held him while I vacuumed and then dealt with a back ache the rest of the day. Good job finding the photo oppurtunity--he really is soooo cute!