October 9, 2010

Not-So-Terrible Twos

Gage turned two a few weeks ago. We had a fun birthday with him full of presents, balloons, cake and a trip to the zoo. He was awesome the whole day.

Gage had a rough start into this world. He was such a difficult baby, but he's turning out to be a super fun kid. He's SUPER cuddly. He gives great hugs and kisses. And when I sit next to him he leans over and rubs my arm and looks up at me with the cutest little grin. He loves to be my helper and pick up toys. He loves to watch cartoons, especially Tom and Jerry. He acts out the cartoons as he watches them and it's a total crack up. He's all boy, he loves cars and balls and trucks. He's crazy busy all the time but rarely gets into trouble. Even though he's small for his age (10th percentile for height), he's got a big personality. He loves to climb and run and jump and keep the whole family busy trying to keep him safe. And on top of everything else, he's super handsome. Watch out ladies!

Haylee was the cutest little party planner. For weeks before his birthday she started planning his surprise party. It was all she could talk about. So on his B-day she sent Daddy and Gage down to the basement so we could put out the presents and decorations. Then we hid and jumped out and yelled "Surprise!" when he came upstairs. I don't think he really cared, but it sure made Haylee happy and I thought it was super cute.

p.s. Anyone have any tips on getting rid of the pacifier? I'm too chicken to just throw them all away!


Robin said...

I had a friend who just snipped a little piece off the end of the pacifier each day till there was not enough left to suck on. She said it kind of weaned her daughter gradually, but not completely without a struggle. None of mine took a pacifier so I am not a ton of help...and I am not about to start snipping off what mine are attached to. Ouch!

Janae -- Thoughts in Vinyl said...

He is so cute! I think we accidentally weened Paisley off her pacifier. I got busy working this last week and never had the time to find one for her when she lost it. I hadn't realized it until last night when Jay said that she hadn't had one for 3 or more days. I did just find one, but I hid it.

Emily Mecham said...

What a cutie! I can't believe how big he's getting! Don't know how to help you withe the binkie - I've got an even bigger problem on my hands. I'm pretty sure I can't take Kate's thumb away! Maybe try hiding all but 1 binkie, and when that 1 gets lost, it's a done deal.

Karryn and Roger said...

so cute... your kids are way cute.