Haylee started her second year of preschool last week. She has been so excited to go back and it was a much easier transition than last year. She loves school and Mike loves having just one kid to watch three mornings a week. Doesn't she look cute in her first-day-of-school new outfit? She's so grown up, I just can't get over it. Over the weekend we were at the grocery store. We have a deal that if she behaves then she can pick out a treat at the end. Yes, I bribe good behavior from my kids. I don't think they're capable of it any other way. Don't judge. Anyway, she usually picks out chocolate (that's my girl!), or sometimes it will be new crayons or a coloring book. But this time she wanted lip gloss!!! She's only four but it was more important to her than anything else in the store. According to her, she needs "shiny lips like Mommy". I thought about rolling my eyes and telling her she's way too young for such things, but secretly I was so excited! I think it's cute and it feels like the beginning of us being able to share fun girly things together. We settled on a clear sparkly lip gloss. She loves it. I have to hide it or she'd be applying it all day long.
Here are some more pictures from her first day of school....


Scary face (at least that's what she calls it. I think it's too cute to be scary)

Her new Twinkle Toe Skechers that she insisted I take a picture of. Love that kid!!
She's adorable!! I usually have to open a box of cookies or crackers as we walk INTO the store as bribery and pay for an empty box, so who am I to judge... :)
She is going to be a girly girl! she is so beautiful! Matt starts his first year of preschool in a couple of weeks. I can't believe it either! They grow up too fast!
So is so cute and so grown up all of the sudden. Macie loves lip gloss too...it all changes at age
4, we will see how long Emy makes it before she starts asking for lip gloss too.
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